Tuesday, July 10, 2007

To The Moon

You are off somewhere new,
to your new home,
and your new life.
You, who were once alone and had no one,
now have the American dream:
Two kids, a wife, a husband,
a dog,
a fenced yard and a three thousand square foot house.
You, who once wondered where your next meal
was coming from, will now get “all natural” food.
You, who had no one to love you,
now will be loved by all.
You will learn new games,
go fishing,
have your tail pulled,
go to bar-b-q’s where you’ll probably listen to too much right-winged politics,
watch over the young,
and sleep in your own bed at night
under the stars.
You will have the life
(except for the politics)
that I always dreamed of for you.
You will know peace and security.
And me,
I will be o.k.
without you.
I will think of you
and wonder where you are and what you are doing
and I will remember the sweetness you gave me.

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