Monday, July 09, 2007

The Hen

I can not keep coming
to you in the cage
and not bringing you home.
I can not keep saying,
“Be patient, be patient.”
and think that that will keep you from crying.
What can I do?
My hands are tied
and I can not wring them again.
Each day
I watch
you slip further
and further away
like some red floating ribbon
drifting from sight
curling and twisting in pain.
who have always been my friend,
are still waiting for me
to be yours.
But when I ask what you need
you only cry.
My ears are heavy as tombstones,
numb to the years
and still I have no answers.
I want to be your friend.
I want to take you out of your cage
and give you the home you deserve.
I want to make the memories
of so much neglect
I want to be the hen,
pecking and scratching
the dirt
till it is soft and warm for you
to lie in.

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