Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ping Pong Player

The mailman is here.
The moment I see him pull up
to my mailbox
I get out of my chair
and run down the hill to see what he left me.
It doesn’t matter if I am in the middle of a song, poem,
thought, etc.
I am ready to leave it all behind and go flying
like some crazed poodle that heard the doorbell ring
and is compelled to respond.
I don’t even think to ask myself if I want to go get the mail right now,
or if it is convenient for me to get the mail,
I just go get the mail.
It’s like that with me.
Something happens,
I react.
The phone rings,
I answer it.
I rarely screen calls.
A bill arrives,
I pay it that second.
My mother calls,
I spend hours in a pea soup of her own making.
I never let things pile up,
like laundry,
or dishes,
or feelings.
I am constantly trying to undo what’s been done.
No wonder I’m such a good ping-pong player.
I’ve been playing ping-pong all my life.
I must learn to sit
while balls are coming at me
and do nothing.

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