Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

It is that dark night,
when we must say goodbye
to all that has been
and hope for what will come,
At midnight,
we will begin again.
Baptized like a newborn baby,
the wine dripped upon our heads,
redeeming us
as the sky fills up with confetti.
Our weary eyes
searching back through the year
we will find something we can point to
where we can say,
“See, I did this. I existed. I mattered.”
The sound of steel being hammered into submission.
The blade of grass cut and left to die.
Our endless stupidity,
like those who have come before us
kneeling at the altar and crying.
Our bottles and tables perfectly arranged,
candles lit,
appetites filled.
Glasses held high toasting the
Our prayer.
To be different. 

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