Sunday, August 17, 2008

Eyes of A Poet

Listen to yourself
going on and on
like some kind of fruitcake,
some kind of kook.
Do you think you have time for that?
Do you think you have time to waste another second
with your mental masturbations?
You don’t I tell you.
Your navel isn’t all that interesting.
It’s round and it collects crap in it just like mine.
So stop staring at it.
There’s a world out there that needs saving
and who’s going to do it if you don’t?
There are people dying in Africa
and dogs being put down in shelters.
There are dolphins being slaughtered in Japan
and poor people being taken advantage of by big business.
There are corporations running our government
and leaders so ingratiated
to them they are incapable of holding them accountable.
have become a nation of pill poppers
too drugged out to do anything,
much less remember anything.
We are pumped so full of caffeine
and fast food
we have become hostile and repressed and exhausted
and wired all at the same time.
We spend more than we make.
We have forgotten how to love
or why the bird flies.
We have been lulled to sleep
by mindless television shows about other people’s lives
while our freedoms are being systematically eradicated.
never talk about the real issues
but rather,
are constantly diverted into corrals of minutia by the media
like ignorant cattle.
We are scared of making a mistake.
Scared of stepping outside the box.
Scared to forget about ourselves
and remember what matters most.

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