Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Four-legged Human

They are so perfect,
these four-legged creatures
that never ask for more
than to be walked and fed
and played with and loved.
They never judge us
or tell us what we could have done,
or kick us when we are down.
They never say hurtful words
or hold grudges,
or tell us we’re not making enough money.
They are happiest
playing with a stick or a ball
or chasing a squirrel.
They are happiest
sticking their head out the window
of the car and feeling the breeze blow.
They do not worry about tomorrow,
or about having enough,
or about their destiny.
They do not have a novel to write
or ladder to climb.
They are content to lie on the blacktop
and feel the sun on their back.
They do not look in the mirror
and count the new lines around their eyes
and fret over grey hairs.
They do not compare themselves to others,
or wish they were from a better lineage.
They do not spend hours crying over their mistakes
or wondering “what if”.
They do not start wars that should never have been started
or pollute the air with their factories,
or pretend to be something other than what they are.
They are far more human
than we will ever be.

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