Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Let Them Come

Now is not the time to lie down and die,
to cling to the pillow of doubt
and rest my head upon its cover.
now is the time to stand strong,
to stand up to those
who would
leave me to wander through the forest of fear
on my own.
Well, I say
let them come with their accusations.
Let them come with their demands.
Let them breathe their fiery lies upon my neck.
I will not back down.
I will not cower
and cover myself in the dark.
They who think they have me,
have me not!
I am stronger than I pretend.
My meekness is but a shield to protect the warrior’s heart
that beats beneath my skin.
I will never give up the fight.
So let them come.
Let them come.
And when morning’s first light arrives and the dust has settled,
the battlefield will be littered with the bodies of their men
while I will remain unscathed.
I will stand victoriously on the hill,
verdict in my hand,
“Be gone
liars and thieves,
for you have met your match.
You have met the truth
and the truth can never be stopped
no matter how soft the voice who utters it. “

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