Friday, November 07, 2008

Yes, We Can

I can’t help but smile
now that it’s over
and he has been elected.
the unlikely candidate.
the rock star.
the man who says, “yes, we can.”
I feel giddy inside when I think of him,
like a young girl at a Davy Jones concert.
He has given me back my faith
and my optimism.
I look at him
and think to myself,
“If he can, so can I.”
I think about him when I am at the gym
and struggling to do one more round.
He wouldn’t give up.
I think about him
when I doubt my future
and my finances and if I will ever escape
Yes, we can.
I think about him
when I want to throw in the towel
and say it is too hard
and I am too old
and I don’t have it anymore.
Yes, we can.
I think about his obstacles,
being black in a white world,
losing his parents,
having the weight of slavery upon his back,
and a world of prejudiced people to win over.
Yes, we can.
I think about his grace.
His humility.
His ability to put his mind on what he wants
when he wants.
Yes, we can.
I think about his eloquence.
His drive.
His determination.
His ambition.
Yes, we can.
I think about where he has set the bar for himself in his life
And where I want to set it for mine.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Thank you President Obama.
Thank you.

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