Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Going In

The hardest thing is the beginning.
Settling in to that deep part of yourself
that longs to be touched,
that has to be touched
in order to survive.
I can’t walk around like most people
from thing to thing,
appointment to appointment,
scattered like grass seed,
trying not to blow away with the first strong wind.
I need roots
and the dark dark earth to plant my feet in.
It has always been like that for me.
Going in
is what gives me life.
Going in
is what keeps me whole.
Without it,
I am lost,
a refugee on a raft
baking in the sun,
my back red and blistered.
Some would say I am exaggerating,
but it’s true.
I need to go in
the way people need three meals a day.
I need to go in
the way a diabetic needs insulin.
I need to go in.
For life.

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