Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Hate That Gecko

I’m starting to think it’s all a racket.
They’re happy to take three hundred dollars a month from me,
but never want to pay me a dime
when I have a problem.
They had a great excuse when there was water under the house,
(long standing problem)
and now they claim my new problem is worth less than my deductible.
Of course it is, if you fix it cheaply enough.
But that doesn’t mean it’s done right.
It’s all so convenient.
I keep paying them,
but they never pay me a penny.
How is it possible?
No wonder they have millions of dollars.
They never pay out on anything.
I think about the poor victims of Katrina
still living in mobile homes,
still without power,
still waiting for checks that will never arrive
and I understand why some of them would want to get a gun and start shooting.
We are raised in this country not to steal,
don’t steal candy,
don’t steal at a drugstore,
don’t swipe a sweater,
but those crimes are paltry
compared to what the corporations do.
And they do it with such perfect rationale.
We’re sorry Mr. So and So,
but you have a pre-existing condition,
so we are going to deny your claim.
Or Ms. So and So, the tree that fell on your house died seven months ago,
If you look at section seven, letter c of your policy,
it is your responsibility to remove any dead trees,
that tree was a hazard and we are not responsible for hazards.
Oh please, give me a break.
What are we paying for in this country?
How is our society ever going to learn that stealing is wrong
when the very people running our society are the biggest thieves of them all?

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