Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Feet Of A Goddess

My Feet
look like cracked stone.
Heels riddled with lines
like the feet of some ancient Greek goddess
standing at the Parthenon.
I have tried lotions
and butters and creams on them.
I have walked on beaches and ground them into the sand
and gotten them smooth
only to reach down a week later
to find them back to their original condition.
My poor feet.
They have walked through Europe,
seen the Statue of Liberty,
and hunted for sand dollars off the coast of Sanibel Island.
They have danced ballet,
and tap,
and waltzed with sweaty-handed eighth grade boys.
They have accidentally stepped on glass,
been stabbed by pencils,
and have even survived run away sewing needles.
My poor feet.
They have always stayed right beneath me
taking me where I wanted to go,
even when I forgot they were there,
even when I was wearing platform shoes.

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