Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Less Than Human

I can’t stop thinking about them.
Their warm eyes
that ask for so little
and give so much.
I can’t stop wanting homes for all of them.
It seems so unfair that we should be free
in this world
while they are in cages.
What have they done to be locked up?
They have not polluted the world
with their foolishness.
Nor have they started wars,
or insulted their neighbors,
or insisted their political and religious views
were the only ones.
They have not asked for the diamond ring,
or the gas guzzling Mercedes,
or the second home in the country
and then fretted like a spoiled child when they couldn’t get it.
They only ask to love and be loved.
They only ask for food and water and a safe place to rest,
not accessories.
Why should that be so hard to give them?
In the shelter
they are pressed against the bars of their cages,
curled in to little balls,
Some have given up their dream.
Others bark frenetically
begging to be noticed,
begging to be given a chance,
begging for their life.
It’s so unfair.
We’re the ones who should be begging for their love
and companionship.
We’re the ones who should be asking for their forgiveness
for all the times
we were
less than human.

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