Sunday, May 13, 2007


is here,
this new black dog
I know nothing about.
I brought him into my house
and out of the cage he lived in for the last thirty days.
He was scheduled to die this week.
He is soft
and sweet
and wags his tail at every word I say to him.
I am trying to come up with a name for him.
So far he’s been called “Springsteen”,
“Lorcas”, for Federico Loracs,
“Oscar”, “Bebop” and “Jupiter”.
I think I’m going with “Jupiter”.
He is a mystery to me.
He doesn’t beg for food,
comes when called,
doesn’t know the word “walk”,
seems to have never played with a ball
in his life
and is confused on a leash.
At one moment he seems out of breath
and the next he is happy to run the sixty yard dash
across a field at warp speed.
Just when I am sure he was a farm dog,
he doesn’t want to stay outside and prefers the cool of the a/c
and watching t.v.
All of this has left me wondering about his past life
and past owners,
questions I’m sure I will never have answered.
But none of that really matters.
All I know is
I am happy I adopted him.
He needed a home
and I needed someone to help me forget how much pain I was in.
It could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

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