Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bottom Dwelling Buzzard

I am through with words
and talking and reasoning
and crying.
There is only time for action now.
The scalpel
to the throat.
The quick cut
and release
of metal on skin.
For too long now,
I have sat wringing my hands
while the brute,
the bull,
the bully
came and took what is not hers to take.
How dare she!
My sister,
the ogre,
the bottom dweller,
the scavenger,
the buzzard
picking the dead to the bone.
She, who has taken and taken,
wants more.
She who has never learned to stand on her own two feet
now kneels over my parents sucking them dry,
You are not my sister?
My blood and yours could never be the same.

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