Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Seventy Two and Sunny

I am trying to let myself be free.
Trying to give myself permission
to get in the car and drive seven hours to Florida.
It’s supposed to be in the seventies there this weekend.
So, it seems like a nice time to go.
Before the crowds come
and before spring break.
But, I’m hesitating.
It’s absurd, really.
There is not one good reason for me not to go.
There is nothing keeping me here.
No job.
No kids.
No dog that has to be fed.
And yet, I can’t seem to make myself go.
So then, being the overly analytical person that I am,
I start asking myself questions -
What’s really going on?
Do I not deserve it?
Am I unworthy?
After fifteen minutes of doing this,
and a cup of green tea, 
I conclude that some part of me must think that I am.
Yes, that's it, 
I don’t deserve to have a good time.
But that’s crazy,
utterly crazy.
If it were someone else,
some friend who asked me if they should go,
I would tell them to go in a second.
Take a few days off.
Enjoy yourself.
Walk on the beach.
Feel the sand on your toes
and the sun on your back.
But it's not me talking to some friend,
it's me talking to me.
And I am no friend of mine. 
I haven't relaxed in years.
I don’t know how to relax
or enjoy myself.
While normal people start packing and looking for sun block
when they are about to go on a trip,
I start making a mental laundry list of
all the things that could go wrong:
I won’t like the bed.
I won’t like the food.
Someone will bother me.
There will be noisy neighbors.
It will be too cold.
It will be foggy.
I’ll step on a jellyfish.
I’ll get in a wreck.
I’ll get a speeding ticket.
I’ll get food poisoning.
I’ll trip on a conch shell.
I’ll get eaten by a shark.
I’ll feel like I made a mistake.
And then it hits me.
"Feel like I've made a mistake."
I know that one. 
I always feel like I made a mistake.
I might as well feel that way
sitting on the beach where it's 
seventy two and sunny. 

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