Friday, January 22, 2016

What Lies Underneath

I think about the hatred that fills veins.
Snow white swirling
and churning,
covering everything it touches,
obliterating the differences among us.
No shade
of green or brown
or nakedness.
Nothing exposed.
Just the icy cold stares
of eyes frozen in place
too scared to see
what lies underneath.
I think about this hatred
day after day,
taking on a life of its own
passed down the way fine china is passed down
from one generation to another.
Eaten from the same silver spoon.
Licked clean,
then stuffed in drawers
until the next new set of hands comes to
pull it out,
polish it,
make it shine again.

Thursday, January 07, 2016

A dying Balloon

What is this shit,
this filth,
this dark 
that resides in me?
That pushes me
into the ground,
that buries my soul,
my smile,
my velvet limbs
as if they were mere afterthoughts?
I am here,
in the dark,
alone with my blindness now
unable to see 
the street that stretches out before me,
the row of books,
the aisles of food. 
How can it be that who I was 
could be taken so easily,
with a snap,
a crack,
a second too long,
a wet mistake?
It is easy for you,
the others,
the untouched,
to sit and judge
to go back to your little lives,
your perfect little sighted lives,
while I stumble through mine now
like some freak. 
A trip to the library is too much.
A war zone of the worst kind,
shuffling through ‘p’s and ‘q's
too embarrassed to ask for help. 
It is all fun house mirrors now
playing games with my brain
while I try to hold on,
hoping to make sense of the un-senseable. 
A nonsense without laughter.
My head a warble on a stick,
bobbing along,
like some dying balloon.